The Healy Law Firm, LLC

Attorneys and Counselors

Phone:  816.472.8800

Fax:  816.472.8803
3350 NE Ralph Powell Road              
Lee's Summit, MO 64064  

Serving Businesses and Families throughout the Midwest 


Although prior success is no guarantee of future results, the success achieved by The Healy Law Firm in the past shows what is possible with the right lawyer. Three things stand out:

* Versatility - Mike gets results in Federal Court, State Court and Arbitration trials in many different types of claims (personal injury/death, property damage, and lost business profits).

* Skill - Opposing counsel are usually the best lawyers from the biggest law firms.

* Success - Verdicts have exceeded pre-trial settlement offers by millions of dollars.

Recent Verdicts

$2,000,000 Verdict (Sept. 27, 2013 - State Court) in Electric Shock case. Pre-trial settlement offer was $140,000. Plaintiff found 50% at fault. Defense counsel was Chairman of litigation depart of global defense firm and considered a “Legend of the Bar.”

$1,494,985 Verdict (March 25, 2014 - Arbitration panel) in claim for wrongful termination of heavy equipment dealer franchise. Pre-trial settlement offer was $30,000. Defense lawyers were from National Law firm with hundreds of lawyers.

$206,000 Verdict (April 17, 2014 - State Court) in property destruction claim. Pre-trial offer was zero. After trial the Court increased the verdict to $262,000 by adding pre-judgment interest.

$987,000 Verdict (June 12, 2014 - Federal Court) in claim for breach of fiduciary duty by corporate officers. Pre-trial offer was zero. Court instructed jury that $987,000 was the most they could award. After trial Court increased verdict to about $2,000,000 to account for interest. Defense counsel was National Law Firm with hundreds of lawyers.

Other Verdicts and Settlements:

$22,000,000 Settlement Electric Shock 

$8,600,000 Verdict Breach of Contract and Fraud

$5,000,000 Verdict Termination of Heavy Equipment Dealer Franchise

$3,100,000 Settlement Product Liability - flammable furniture

$2,800,000 Settlement Director and Officer Liability

$3,300,000 Settlement Legal Negligence

$250,000 Settlement Legal Negligence (Policy Limits)

$50,000 Settlement Legal Negligence (Policy Limits)

$200,000 Settlement Director and Office Liability

$250,000 Settlement Product Liability - Auto

$500,000 Settlement Product Liability - Boat

$212,500 Settlement Franchise Termination

$450,000 Settlement Auto Case

$150,000 Settlement hospital negligence

$300,000 Settlement burn injuries in rental property (Policy Limits)

$1,000,000 Settlement semi-truck crash

$200,000 Verdict electric power line property damage

$150,000 Verdict destruction of real property

Although prior success is no guarantee of future results, the success achieved by The Healy Law Firm in the past shows what is possible with the right lawyer. Three things stand out:

  • Versatility - Mike gets results in Federal Court, State Court and Arbitration trials in many different types of claims (personal injury/death, property damage, and lost business profits).

  • Skill - Opposing counsel are usually the best lawyers from the biggest law firms.

  • Success - Verdicts have exceeded pre-trial settlement offers by millions of dollars.

Recent Verdicts


Judgment (May 26, 2017 - Federal Court) in claim for fraudulent transfer of development project against transferee corporation. Defense counsel was National Law Firm with hundreds of lawyers.


Judgment (May 26, 2017 - Federal Court) in claim for fraudulent transfer of development project against transferee corporation. Defense counsel was National Law Firm with hundreds of lawyers.



   Verdict (January 26, 2016 – State Court) in claim for improper termination of dealership/distributorship and refusal to repurchase inventory. Trial was to the Court. Pre-trial offer was zero. Defense lawyers were from prestigious regional law firm.

$2,000,000       Verdict (Sept. 27, 2013 - State Court) in Electric Shock case. Pre-trial settlement offer was $140,000. Plaintiff found 50% at fault. Defense counsel was Chairman of litigation depart of global defense firm and considered a “Legend of the Bar.”

$1,494,985 Verdict (March 25, 2014 - Arbitration panel) in claim for wrongful termination of heavy equipment dealer franchise. Pre-trial settlement offer was $30,000. Defense lawyers were from National Law firm with hundreds of lawyers.

$206,000  Verdict (April 17, 2014 - State Court) in property destruction claim. Pre-trial offer was zero. After trial the Court increased the verdict to $262,000 by adding pre-judgment interest.


Verdict (June 12, 2014 - Federal Court) in claim for breach of fiduciary duty by corporate officers. Pre-trial offer was zero. Court instructed jury that $987,000 was the most they could award. After trial Court increased verdict to about $2,000,000 to account for interest. Defense counsel was National Law Firm with hundreds of lawyers.

Other Verdicts and Settlements:

$22,000,000     Settlement Electric Shock
$8,600,000       Verdict Breach of Contract and Fraud
$5,000,000       Verdict Termination of Heavy Equipment Dealer Franchise
$3,100,000       Settlement Product Liability - flammable furniture
$2,800,000       Settlement Director and Officer Liability
$3,300,000       Settlement Legal Negligence

$2,500,000       Settlement before filing suit in medical negligence claim
$250,000          Settlement Legal Negligence (Policy Limits)
$50,000            Settlement Legal Negligence (Policy Limits)
$200,000          Settlement Director and Office Liability
$250,000          Settlement Product Liability - Auto
$500,000          Settlement Product Liability - Boat
$212,500          Settlement Franchise Termination
$450,000          Settlement Auto Case
$150,000          Settlement hospital negligence
$300,000          Settlement burn injuries in rental property (Policy Limits)
$1,000,000       Settlement semi-truck crash
$200,000          Verdict electric power line property damage
$150,000          Verdict destruction of real property


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